Code of Ethics

Article 1

Purpose and Scope


1. The Code sets the general principles and defines the minimum rules of professional ethics and moral behavior, which must be observed by businesses towards the consumer.


2. Applies to transactions in the context of contracts for the sale of goods or the provision of services concluded between consumers and suppliers for a fee entirely online, that is, by electronic means at a distance without the simultaneous physical presence of the two parties being necessary (B2C transactions).


3. The Code concerns self-regulation rules of businesses active in electronic commerce aimed at consumers and applies without prejudice to the EU and Greek legislation on electronic commerce and consumer protection which in no way replaces it.


Article 2



1. For the application of the Code the following terms have the meaning assigned to them below:

a) "Company active in the field of "electronic business"" (hereinafter company) means legal or natural persons based in Greece that provide products and/or services to consumers in Greece and/or abroad, operating legally directly and/or as intermediaries providing services for direct or indirect remuneration by electronic means at a distance and following the consumer's personal choice.

b) "Remote electronic means" means services and products provided by businesses and accepted by consumers through electronic processing equipment that is provided, transmitted and received entirely through the Internet and/or mobile networks/applications text).

c) For the rest of the terms, the definitions found in Law 2251/1994 apply, as applicable, in p.d. 131/2003 and the Code of Consumer Ethics of article 7 of Law 3297/2004, as applicable.


2. In case of doubt, the definitions of the current legislation prevail.


Article 3

General principles and obligations of online stores


A. General principles


The Code is governed by the principles of consumer protection, transparency, impartiality, technological neutrality, professional ethics, ethical behavior and respect for privacy, the protection of personal data and the protection of vulnerable population groups as specifically stated in articles 4 and 5 hereof.


B. Minimum consumer information


1. The company ensures the pre-contractual information of the consumer so that it is possible to fully, accurately and clearly inform him about the following:

i. Full company name, registered office, postal address, VAT number, contact numbers/e-mail address.

ii. Registration number in GEMI.

iii. Main characteristics of the products it sells and the quality of the services provided (e.g. the total price including VAT or other taxes, the shipping costs, or the possible costs of returning the product, any additional charges, the terms and methods of payment, guarantees, size - dimensions of the product), as well as for the means of payment.

iv. Availability of services and products and the deadline within which the supplier undertakes to deliver the goods or provide the services.

n. Characteristics of charges, possible discount packages or special offers.

vi. Conditions for withdrawing from the contract as well as the termination or cancellation of the contract, as specifically stated in article 6 hereof.

vii. The possibility of out-of-court resolution of their disputes and information on the recognized bodies for alternative resolution of consumer disputes, which the suppliers are committed or obliged to use for the resolution of disputes. In the absence of such a commitment or obligation, the suppliers must specify whether they will make use of the relevant bodies.

viii. The option for electronic alternative dispute resolution as specifically mentioned in article 8 hereof.

ix. The terms of service after the sale, any commercial guarantees (content, duration and extent of territorial validity), and the seller's responsibility for actual defects and lack of agreed properties, in accordance with articles 534 et seq. of the Civil Code.

x. The eventual need for frequent maintenance of the products or the existence of particularly high-cost spare parts in relation to the current price of these products.

xi. The purpose of the processing, the recipients or categories of recipients of the data and the existence of the right of access and objection, as specifically mentioned in article 5B/par. 5 hereof.

xii. The codes of conduct or any credibility marks that bind them.

xiii. The above information to the consumer must be comprehensible, legal, true, up-to-date, easily accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities, and verifiable and must be made in the Greek language and

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